April 9, 2019
Posted by admin
Learning from 30+ years of non-market valuation of ecosystem services
As part of the current revision process of the UN Statistics System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), Luke authored a background paper for the Expert Meeting on Ecosystem Valuation in the context of Natural Capital Accounting organised by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) in Bonn. The paper provides an overview of the environmental economics literature on the value of ecosystem services. During the past 30+ years, the discipline of environmental economics has attempted to produce information on the economic value of ecosystem services, i.e. their contribution to human wellbeing. This body of knowledge now comprises thousands of studies covering all regions of the world and all ecosystem services. This information may potentially be used as input into ecosystem service accounts and represents an important resource for the implementation of SEEA.
The proceedings of the meeting are available here: https://www.bfn.de/fileadmin/BfN/service/Dokumente/skripten/Skript525.pdf